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Europa is an open-air museum and archive,
home to the most important libraries, universities and art collections
many of its treasures lie buried,
voices that ask to be brought back to light:
to do this is our vocation



salvage and valorization of minor or handwritten
voices of culture, art and spirituality,
ith the certainty that memories jealously or idly preserved
may become a living testimony
and a shared heritage
of human experience and modern spirituality

Aree di progettazione e intervento

  • work of deciphering, transcribing, translating and digital filing of manuscripts and documents (Greek, Latin and modern languages)
  • valorization, by means of digital or internet support, of art collections (churches, monasteries, shrines, museums), both public and private archives


  • identifying, pinpointing and cataloguing works of art and documents of public or private ownership
  • interpretation of texts and rediscovery of their authentic meaning
  • production of editorial works - articles, guides, books - that are expressive of the cultural environment of origin




... and the sign

    again turns into word ...